WARNING: This product contains nicotine which is a highly addictive substance. It is not recommended for use by non- smokers.
If you need help, please submit your contact information to us, and we will reply within one working day. We are always happy to support our customers.
Company Name: XXX
Address: XXXXXX
Customer Service E-mail: service@Vapebuynow.com
Customer Service Skype: service@Vapebuynow.com
Customer Service Tel:
Customer Service Whatsapp:
Office Hours: 9:00AM - 6:30PM, Monday - Friday(UTC)
To prevent our emails from being blocked by your email system, we recommend that you add our email addresses to your address book/whitelist.
If you don't hear back from us on time, please remember to check your spam/junk folder.
Your contact will receive a response within one business day. If you contact us over the weekend, we will reply you the next business day, thank you for your understanding.